Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Leadership is...

After a collaborative and in-depth cohort discussion on various types of school leadership, the functions of a school leader, and what defines a leader, we were asked to discuss what type of leadership most relates to us, and to come up with our own Edtech leadership statement.

I believe that passion is one of the most important characteristics of a leader, and also the most contagious when it comes to social influence and shaping action. Others may not agree that most leadership skills can be taught, but I strongly believe that any leadership skill can be improved with on going practice.

As I curiously searched for “leadership” on Goggle News, I was not surprised to see how almost every article was related to political leadership. Media will attempt to have us believe that leadership means being a politician, yet ironically, politics does not relate to the most authentic leadership values.

This had me thinking about our responsibility as teachers to discuss, and model every type of leadership to our students, not just as Edtech leaders in our schools but as teachers making a difference in our communities.   Leaders come in all areas, genders, ages and cultures. In a school leadership context, true leaders value all forms of leadership and use their strengths to make a difference.