Wednesday, 14 September 2011

The top 5 things I learned in my first two weeks of teachers college…

5.  Use positive energy as motivation!
In all the hustle and bustle of a new school year, with eleven new classes, several project groups, and assignments up to my ears, positive energy in your cohort can make such a big difference for your state of mind. We may feel overwhelmed with so much new information coming at us in all directions but when you have such supportive classmates and instructors/advisors, it doesn’t have to feel like course work.
4.  Time management is key.
Everyone has different strategies for getting everything done; let’s learn from each other. If we think this is busy, just wait and see how we'll feel as teachers.
3.  Including your last name initial on your nametag can be useful.
There can apparently be up to three Stephanies in a class of 25.  
2.  Collaboration is such an important strategy for not only our but every student’s success. 
It’s as simple as creating an online study guide for all to share and provide input, or reading each others' blogs for new ideas or perspectives. The more information we make available at our fingertips, the more we learn and the better we can teach. 
1.  Educational Technology is so much more than just being “techy” and knowing how to use tech tools to teach.
It's about creating a comprehensive approach to teaching that will not only enhance student learning, but contribute to creating a more connected community of learners in each classroom, school and school community.
P.S.  Blogs and tweets are not so scary after all 

1 comment:

  1. An "insiteful" perspective already Stephanie! Great strategies: collaboration, time management and positive energy...can help guide you during stressful times to get back on track, stay on track as well as direction for getting on track!
    Balancing and "Be-ing" connected in Education:)
